Saturday, March 4, 2017

A Car Lease Buyout: Welcome Home a Car Full of Memories

You neither have to leave your car nor the memories attached to it. 

It is tough to forget things that have touched your heart. Memories that you created while driving your car will remain in your heart forever. But, what if you have to give away the car after the lease period gets over? Do not lose heart because you can consider the option of a car lease buyout and keep your car with you forever. 

Is it smart to buy your Leased Car? 

Buying a Leased Car with a Loan

Car leasing comes with the option of buying the car at the end of the lease period or before the period gets over. It is called a ‘car lease buyout’. It simply means to buy your leased car – either with cash or loan. Since you know the car’s condition very well, there will be no surprises for you in the future. A car lease buyout option is safer than purchasing a different used car because you will be able well-aware of the situation of the leased car. 

Multiple Benefits of a Car Lease Buyout

Every individual has a passion. And if you want to become a proud car owner, a car lease buyout can help you with it. You can buy your leased car and never let go of your fond memories. So, why opt for it? The answer lies in its multiple benefits: 

1. Good Opportunity

The purchase price of a leased car is less than the current market value of the car. A car lease buyout option gives you an opportunity to bring home your favorite car. If you can’t buy your leased car with cash, do not worry. There are many auto financing companies that will help you with a loan. A good selection of the loan will provide you with low interest rates. 

2. Elimination of Surprises

You are aware of the car’s condition. And, as you had planned for returning the car at the end of lease period, you have left no stone unturned in taking good care of it. So, when you opt for a car lease buyout option, there will be no surprises or shocks in the near future. 

3.Top Choice

You already have the car that you like. There is no question of research or test drive. Although you will have to undertake negotiating process with the lessor, it is better than starting the car buying process from scratch. 

A Car Lease Buyout: A Choice for Every One

Your happiness is your choice. If you like your leased car, it is the right time to buy it. A car lease buyout provides you with two options. Following are the two options with you: 

1. Lease End Buyout

It means that you can buy your leased car after the lease contract ends. It requires you to pay the residual value of the car. A residual value is the car’s worth at the end of the lease. It is usually agreed upon at the beginning of the lease period and is mentioned in the contract. So, is it a smart decision to opt for it? Compare the residual value to the current market value of the car. When the residual value is less than or equal to the market value, buying the car is a good deal. Also, you can opt for it if:
  • Overall performance of the car is good.
  • It doesn’t require repair.
  • You are able to get a loan at a good interest rate.
2. Early Lease Buyout

It gives you an option to buy your leased car before the end of the lease period. It is better to consider it if:
  • The car has exceeded the allowed mileage limit.
  • You are unable to keep up with the maintenance cost.
  • There is interior or exterior damage to the car.
Early lease buyout option may not be a good deal because of additional depreciation fees. So, it is wise to wait till the lease period ends in order to get the best deal. 

Shopping for a car takes a lot of time and energy. But, a car lease buyout will help you. Let your passion have wings with the ownership of your leased car. Buy the known car, which helped you create your memories, to build more memories! will help you with low rate auto financing for buying your leased car. Consider the option and bring home your favorite car. Apply now for bad credit pre-approved car loans and stop worrying about your credit history.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Buying your Next Car in Houston: It is similar to applying for a Job

Just like applying for a job, buying a car can also seem easy in theory but difficult to execute. However, when you look at the two processes, namely, buying a car and applying for a job, you are bound to find many similarities. Before buying a car or applying for a job, you need to consciously map out your available options. Houston ranks as the fourth most populous city in United States with an approximate area of 667 square miles. With a population that large, navigating the traffic becomes a difficult task. Thus, it becomes tough to find a suitable car that matches your requirements. However, when you want to buy the most suitable car in Houston, the process is no different than applying for a job. 

The following tips will ease your process of buying a car in Houston as though you were applying for a job. 

1. Prepare
Research for Buying a Car in Houston

Prior to applying for a job, research becomes an essential pre-requisite. You may want to read about the company’s products, campaigns and activities before you apply for the job. Similarly, preparation for buying a car in Houston is equally important. Select different cars that fit your budget and requirements. For instance, if you wish to buy a car for commuting to the University of Houston, you should consider buying a used car. Similarly, if you wish to visit the interiors of Houston such as the Buffalo Bayou, buying a sturdy truck would be a wise decision as you can drive easily on rough terrains of the area. Researching for the most suitable car is similar to finding the company that suits your educational background and work experience. In either case, preparation is an imperative step. 

2. Shop

The most effective way to expand your available options is to shop around. Applying with more than one company gives you a higher chance of getting a better job. Similarly, shopping around for more than one car can help you to get a best deal. Houston has numerous dealerships that not only help you to select the right car but also offer you financing facilities. The total number of cars sold in Houston in the year 2016 accounted for 299,461. Due to the large number of cars sold in Houston, the options to choose your car will never wane out. Also, portals such Auto Trader and Car Gurus will assist you in searching for the best deals in Houston. Thus, look at every available option before you set out to buy your next car in Houston. 

3. Select
Buy a Car that Matches your Requirements

After searching for the company that matches your interest, you select the one which is most suitable. In a similar manner, after you have shopped around for different cars, you select the one car that matches your requirements. While making the final selection, make sure you buy the car according to the geographical fit of Houston. If you are residing in an overcrowded area such as Downtown Houston, a compact Mini Cooper will be a suitable choice. It is because it will help you to obtain quick parking space and enable you to navigate heavy traffic easily. Therefore, the final selection of the job you wish to get and the car you wish to buy are similarly executed steps. 

The processes of buying a car and applying for a job have numerous similarities. The above points will help you to buy your next car in Houston and make it as simple as applying for a job. 

Buying a car in Houston is easy and affordable. Get in touch with, the favorite online car financing destination of Texans. We will help you make a swift car purchase with Houston bad credit auto loans.

3 Best Budget-Friendly Cars for College Graduates in Seattle

The graduation process of any college student is a memorable event. After obtaining a diploma and securing a job, many college graduates plan on rewarding themselves with the help of a car. United States Census Bureau conducted a survey. It revealed that Seattle had the highest number of college graduates in 2008 amongst other cities of America. Additionally, it is the largest city in the state of Washington. Therefore, there are numerous transactions of car buying and selling. As for finding out which are the best budget-friendly cars to buy in Seattle, the following compilation will come to your rescue. 
1. Nissan Versa Sedan

Nissan Versa Sedan

In the initial period right after college, shortage of finance is very much a reality. So spending money wisely becomes crucial. If you set out to visit the Alki Beach Park or the Discovery Park in Seattle, the Nissan Versa 1.6S will be your companion and make sure you stay in your budget. The Nissan Versa Sedan contains a 1.6 liter cylinder engine with 109 horsepower and a tilt steering wheel facility. Additionally, the 14.9 cubic feet of leg-room and the four-speaker sound system will make long trips with your friends more comfortable and manageable. Thus, the Nissan Versa Sedan is a budget-friendly car for recent college graduates. 

2. Toyota Tacoma

 Toyota Tacoma

Seattle is a city that lies on various hills and mountains. Some of the prominent parts of the hilly side of Seattle include Capitol Hill, Beacon Hill and First Hill. Keeping in mind the topography of Seattle, Toyota Tacoma is the ideal choice in terms of a budget-friendly pickup truck. With a 2.7 liter cylinder and six-speed automatic transaction engine, the Toyota Tacoma is a sturdy truck built for uneven terrains. Also, a decent interior and various facilities such as smartphone integration and heated leather seats will ensure that you enjoy driving the car in Seattle during your weekend adventures. 

3. Kia Soul

 Kia Soul
Seattle is a technological hub with conglomerates such as Amazon and Microsoft based out of the city. If you have landed a job after graduating from college, fast commute becomes a requirement. Kia Soul is one of the best budget-friendly picks in compact cars. It is suitable when you need to commute quickly and not spend hours waiting in busy lanes. The car has a decent 130 horsepower and 1.6 liter cylinder engine. Moreover, the Kia Soul comes with safety features such as the forward collision warning and signaling in times when the car drifts out of the lane. Therefore, Kia Soul is the perfect car for fast commute in Seattle. 
If you are a recent college graduate, assessing which car to buys that fits into your budget may be a task. The above options will help you to pick the best budget-friendly cars to drive in Seattle. 

Want to buy a car? Get ready for easy auto financing in Seattle. works closely with several bad credit auto lenders in the city. So, do not worry if you have bad credit or you have started your credit journey recently. We will help you in finding a car loan in no time.