Saturday, September 10, 2016

Auto Loans for a Self-Employed Individual: Definitely But Not Immediately

Today, there is no stability in a traditional workplace. So instead of finding a full-time job, people are more inclined to the idea of being self-employed. It helps them to be independent in making their own decisions. Being your own boss comes with a lot of perks but there can be a couple of problems as well. For example, a lender may not consider you worthy for an auto loan. But, do not worry. If you have the required documents, you will get one step closer to your dream car.

Auto Loans for Self Employed
Who is a Self-Employed Individual? 

A self-employed individual is not what happens to him but what he chooses to become.

Being self-employed means you get to be your own boss. But, it also comes with its own challenges. You have to generate your own finance while maintaining the expenses of your company. Getting any type of loan is a challenge as the lender takes your unsteady income into consideration. 

Any time you need to purchase a car, you should arrange an auto loan in advance. You, as a self-employed individual, may face certain challenges while applying for an auto loan. 

The lender will ask you to submit tax returns of at least past two years. If you don’t have two years of tax return, you can present your bank statements. Be prepared, the lender may ask you for bank statements of last six months. Now, if you don’t have any of the documents, the lender may consider you nothing but a tax-evader. 

Documents Required for Easy Auto Loan Approval for a Self Employed Individual

1. Provide copies of tax returns.
The tax returns report will include all of your taxable income. It serves as a proof of your income. The lender may ask you for copies of tax returns of at least past two years. Moreover, the lender takes a look at your gross income which is not a taxable income. So don’t worry about the tax deductions. 

2. Bank statement is yet another method to prove your income.
A bank statement provides information to the lender about your income. It proves that you have income but do not give information about how you have earned it. It is possible that you might have bank statements, but you can not provide the lender with copies of tax returns. In such a situation, he might charge a high rate of interest on your auto loan. 

3. List down all the invoices.
It will provide information to the lender about your past income and also give him an idea about the sources of your income. 

4. It’s time to prove your residence.
If you own a home, a mortgage statement will help you to prove your residence. It should be a recent one to prove that you still reside at the same address. 

5. Are you a tenant? If yes, then provide a cancelled rent check as a proof.
A cancelled rent check can help you prove your residence. Your landlord’s signature is needed to verify that you live at the mentioned address. 

6. A utility bill can also work as a proof.
You can provide an electricity bill or a phone bill, which is in your name, as a proof of your residence to the lender. 

7. A lender may ask you to produce Form 1099which reports self-employed income. 

Be a Smart Self-Employed Car Buyer

You can ensure easy auto loan approval by following the smart tips mentioned below:
  1. Maintain a good credit score by paying off your debts on time.
  2. Stop and watch around; choose your lender smartly.
  3. Get a cosigner. It will increase your chances for getting an auto loan approval.
  4. Be aware of predatory lenders. A predatory loan includes high interest rates.
  5. Examine all the paperwork related to auto loan carefully.
Self-employed people, with an unsteady income, are believed incapable of making regular payments towards an auto loan. So, being a self-employed individual can often prove to be a challenge while applying for an auto loan. But with the right documents on hand, a lender will provide easy auto loan approval. 

Car Destination is the perfect destination for obtaining bad credit guaranteed auto financing. The company has experience of working with self-employed individuals and businessmen. Apply now for easy approval on auto loans for self-employed individuals.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Should a Subprime Car Buyer apply for an Auto Loan?

There is no end to a person's desire.

People are always on the lookout for commodities that can make their lives simpler. And most of the people aren't blessed with money, so they opt for loans.

Easy Loans

Today, buying a car is easy because of lenders. In order to get approved for an auto loan, you need to provide them with financial information such as: 

>>Your income,
>>FICO score,
>>Current loans, etc. 

Once a lender analyzes your situation, he will approve you for an auto loan. But, what if you have an extensive history of late payments and excessive debt? Then, he will consider you as a subprime car buyer. 

According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the total auto loan amount for the last quarter of 2015 was $ 1.1 trillion. Out of the total auto loan amount, 22% was provided to the subprime car buyers. And, with the rising delinquencies, subprime car buyers pose a threat to lenders’ investment. So, lenders charge subprime car buyers with high interest rates in order to secure the principle amount as early as possible. High interest rates put a subprime car buyer in a considerable dilemma of whether he should apply for an auto loan or not. 

What should a Subprime Car Buyer do?

Buying a car with subprime credit

If you are a subprime car buyer, you must not be hasty in obtaining an auto loan. Try to improve your creditworthiness. Once you see a considerable improvement in your financial situation, apply for the loan. Here a few tips to help you improve your chances of getting an auto loan: 

1. Never Hurry

Lenders are unwilling to pay for your car because of your credit history. So if you hurry, they might reject your loan application. Also, there are chances that they may approve you for a small loan amount and charge a very high interest rate for it. 

2. Try to manage your Current Debt

Take some time to improve your creditworthiness by managing your current debt. You can pay off a few of your debts to reduce the DTI ratio. 

3. Restructure Your Image at Your Office

It is an indirect way of consolidating your image before the lenders. When you apply for an auto loan, they will scrutinize every detail mentioned in the loan application. If they contact your office to find out more about you, it is necessary that your employers provide them with a positive review. So, it is important to restructure your image at the office. 

4. Find a Decent Cosigner

Try to find a cosigner with a good credit history. It will increase the strength of your loan application. Also, it will enable you to get an auto loan quickly.

5. Get Pre-Approval on Auto Loans

Getting pre-approved auto loans can be the most beneficial thing for you. You can get your loan application assessed before visiting the dealer. It will allow you to know your financial situation clearly and help you in making a wise car buying decision. 

6. Try New Lenders

Always look for new lenders. They are looking for people to lend money and establish themselves in the market. But, conduct adequate research before submitting your loan application to a new lender. 

7. Keep a check on your Salary

Salary acts as the deciding factor for getting a loan, so keep a close watch on it. Also, work hard in order to get a raise from time to time. 

8. Arrange a Large Sum of Money for the Down Payment

It is seen that lenders are reluctant to offer money to subprime car buyers. It is possible that they may approve you for a low amount. So, try to arrange as much money as possible for the down payment. It will help you buy a car quickly and reduce your debtas well. 

A subprime car buyer can get an auto loan. But, remember that the lenders are going to charge you with high interest rates. So, it is better to establish yourself as a decent borrower and then apply for an auto loan.

If you are a subprime car buyer, obtaining a pre-approved auto loan can become a difficult task. But, will make it simpler for you. It works with several subprime auto lenders to give you lower-than-market interest rates. Apply now and obtain an subprime car loans.

Friday, September 2, 2016

How to acquire a Higher Loan-To-Value Percentage on your Auto Loan?

Often while purchasing a new car, obtaining an auto loan that is equal to the value of your car can be tricky. The whole point of applying for an auto loan is to ease the financial burden in acquiring your new car. Therefore, it is best when the maximum amount of your cost is covered through the auto loan. Therefore, any auto loan with an impressive loan-to-value percentage is sought after. 

So, what is Loan-To-Value Percentage and how does it work? 

Technically, a loan-to-value percentage is the amount of the loan financed, relative to the value of the car. It is usually calculated by dividing the loan amount by the current value of the vehicle. 

Under an ideal scenario, the loan-to-value percentage on all auto loans is below 100%. However, on a situational basis, lenders can extend loans up to 150% of the value of the car. For instance, assume you want to buy a car worth $50,000 and the loan-to-value percentage on the auto loan is 120%. It indicates that you still have $10,000 to spend on other expenses while you can easily cover the cost of your new car. 

A lower loan-to-value percentage on an auto loan means a lower risk for the lender. However, there are a few ways to obtain a loan-to-value percentage which is higher than the value of the car you want to purchase. 

What should you keep in mind to obtain a Higher Loan-To-Value Percentage? 

A Clean Credit History

Good Credit Score is necessary for higher LTV

A squeaky clean credit history is by far the most essential factor in not only getting an auto loan, but also getting higher loan-to-value percentage. Without a good credit history, accessing an auto loan can be difficult and it might cost you a tad bit more. Therefore, it is imperative to maintain a good credit record as it is exceedingly important in acquiring a higher loan-to-value percentage on your auto loan.

Type of Car

Are you going to buy a new car or a used car?

Whether you are buying a new car or a used car, your repayment options and loan-to-value percentage on auto loan can greatly vary. Surely, buying a new car has its own set of benefits as you are backed by a warranty for a few years. Additionally, the loan-to-value percentage on used cars may not be absolute as against new cars. Therefore, an auto loan for a newer car can cover your loan completely and in some cases even extend it to an amount more than the cost of the car that you want to purchase. 

Steady Income

Steady Income ensures higher LTV

The primary criterion for qualifying for an auto loan includes a steady income. For any lender, a steady income stands as proof that you are capable of repaying the loan amount in the given time period. Usually, lenders ask for payment stubs or bank statements to validate your income. With a steady income of the past few years, obtaining a higher loan-to-value percentage on your auto loan is possible. 

Taking the above points into consideration, you get a clearer picture on how a loan-to-value percentage on an auto loan works and the factors you should consider so that you can bargain for a higher amount on your auto loan. Always carry out an extensive research and read the loan agreement meticulously before you decide on choosing an auto loan. 

You can avoid down payment and reduce the chances of paying an upfront amount to the dealer by opting for higher loan-to-value percentage on your auto loan. Get in touch with Car Destination - A guaranteed auto financing expert and get approved for a higher loan amount instantly. Apply now; obtain a low rate car loan.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Recognizing the Real Value of a Student Auto Loan

"Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose"

The world is extremely competitive and your college is not spared from the high level of competition. If you want to win the competition and excel in your chosen field, you need to spend a considerable amount of time on studies and improve your grades. Also, you need to have a part time job to add comfort to your life. All these things ensure that you spend a lot of time in commuting between your college and place of work. It can take a toll on you because commuting is tiring as well as time-consuming. 

Is there a solution to your Problem?

Solution to your Problem

The solution to your problem is a car. It will resolve your problems easily. Plus, it can help you in becoming efficient as well. A student auto loan can help you to buy a car with great ease. Here are some of the reasons why you should, without any hesitation, opt for a student auto loan: 

Low Interest Rates

It is always difficult for everyone to manage their budget and keep aside money for monthly payments. And, it is definitely more difficult for a student to achieve the task because of limited income. The lenders know the situation of students and therefore offer lower interest rates to them. They understand your financial problems and so, they provide you with flexible loan options. 

Additional Discounts

Lenders are always on a lookout for a potential credit borrower. They will always appreciate your loan application and help you obtain approval without any trouble. Moreover, showing your student ID will attract discounts. 

Maintaining a decent GPA(Grade Points Average) is another way of attracting discounts. Your GPA shows that you are a serious student and stand a good chance in getting a well-paid job. Therefore, lenders will appreciate your grades and provide you with a higher LTV. 

No Credit History required

Every lender knows that it is tough for you to establish yourself in the financial market. They will appreciate your initiative of applying for the no credit auto loan for students. They believe that a non-existing credit history is better than a bad one. That is why, they are lenient and understanding when you don't have any credit history. In short, they are ready to trust you and help you build your future.

Increase in Management Skills

A student auto loan should be considered as a tool for improving your managerial skills. It will help you to manage your budget, expenses and monthly payments effectively. Repaying the loan successfully will boost your confidence. It will also help you in job interviews. How? The answer is simple. Interviewers know that it takes a lot of courage and determination to manage a loan while studying. So mentioning about your student auto loan may earn you the respect of your interviewer. 

Commute in Style

As a student, it is difficult to manage your college, home and place of work efficiently. Waiting for the public transport can become inconvenient for you. Plus, uncertain weather can add to your misery. So why not travel in style? Your new car can help you to commute in style. 

Save your Precious Time

You can easily get a nice, decent job if you have good grades in college. And, maintaining your focus on studies after a tiresome day can be very difficult. Therefore, a comfortable commute can help you save your precious time. With more free time on your hand, you can give sufficient time to your studies. 

Improve your Creditworthiness

Applying for a student auto loan marks your entry into the financial market. Repaying the loan responsibly will boost your credit score. Also, it will help you in obtaining other loans in the future. 

A car is a more like a necessity than a commodity for students. And, buying a car with the help of a student auto loan will make things easier for you. So, recognize the real value of the loan and use it to take a positive step towards becoming a car owner. Buy a car and enjoy your college life. 

If you are a college student who is looking to buy a car, special pre-approved auto financing for college students can solve your problem. Apply with CarDestination to enjoy guaranteed bad credit auto loan approval and buy your favorite car quickly.